COVID-19 Protocols & Return to Sport: Effective January 6, 2022
With the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, viaSport and Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association (PCAHA) have issued updated guidelines regarding COVID-19 Protocols and Return to Sport.
Effective January 6, 2022, the following COVID-19 Protocols are in place for all Squamish Minor Hockey Association activities, with the most recent updates noted in bold italics. We ask all members to review these protocols and share with players, family members, friends and visiting teams who may be participating in SMHA activities.
Proof of Vaccination: With the exception of players, all persons born in 2009 or earlier (12+), including all coaches, team officials and spectators, must provide proof in the form of a BC Vaccine Card of having received two doses of vaccine in order to attend games and practices. Note: this is the BC Vaccine Card with the QR code, not the card that was issued at the time of vaccination. For more details on the BC Vaccine Card, including how to get one, visit Persons 19 years of age or older must also show government issued photo ID.
With the exception of players, no access will be permitted for unvaccinated persons 12 years of age and older, including for the purpose of assisting players in dressing or tying skates. If a player requires assistance in dressing or tying skates, they must arrive at the rink fully dressed, or arrangements must be made in advance for a vaccinated helper to assist them.
Masks: Masks are mandatory for all players, coaches, team officials and spectators born in 2016 or earlier (5+), including in dressing rooms, the hockey lobby and all common areas. It is recommended that N95 masks be worn if these are available to you. Players and on-ice officials may remove their masks when in the field of play (ice surface, benches, penalty box), however, it is recommended that coaches wear their masks while on the bench. Any player who has received a mask exemption from Brennan Park Recreation Centre can be accommodated by arriving at the rink fully dressed and proceeding directly to their bench.
Practices: Security guards appointed by Brennan Park Recreation Centre will check BC Vaccine Cards for all persons 12 years of age and older and government issued photo ID for persons 19 years of age and older for all SMHA practices. Players and team officials are to arrive no sooner than 30 minutes prior to scheduled ice time. To allow for physical distancing between activities and ice times, spectators are to arrive no sooner than 15 minutes prior to scheduled ice time. It is recommended that players and team officials limit their time in the dressing room before and after practice, and consider arriving fully dressed.
Games: To assist with the volume of spectators for SMHA games, teams are required to assign a person to check BC Vaccine Cards for all persons 12 years of age and older and government issued photo ID for persons 19 years of age and older. Security guards appointed by Brennan Park Recreation Centre will support this process. Players and team officials are to arrive no sooner than 45 minutes prior to scheduled ice time. To allow for physical distancing between activities and ice times, spectators are to arrive no sooner than 15 minutes prior to scheduled ice time. It is recommended that players and team officials limit their time in the dressing room before and after games, and consider arriving fully dressed. It is also recommended that players limit or avoid carpooling. Only league games are permitted; PCAHA will not be approving any exhibition games. PCAHA U18 and U21 scholarship games are postponed.
Players are reminded to wash or sanitize hands regularly, maintain physical distance, avoid sharing water bottles, and stick tap instead of handshake at the end of games.
Please also be reminded to complete your player’s health check in TeamSnap prior to the start of each ice time.
In all cases, players, team officials, visiting teams, parents, caregivers and spectators are not permitted to participate if they:
- Are sick or required to self-isolate.
- Are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, chills, cough, sore throat, extreme fatigue or tiredness, body aches, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, loss of sense of smell or taste, loss of appetite, headache, nausea or vomiting.
- Have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
Participants who contract COVID-19 and are fully vaccinated (have received 2 doses of vaccine) may return to sport after a 5 day isolation period. Participants who contract COVID-19 and are not fully vaccinated (have received 1 dose of vaccine or not vaccinated) may return to sport after a 10 day isolation period.
During a public health emergency under the Public Health Act, the Public Health Office can make orders as needed. You must follow the orders. Some orders can be enforced by police or other compliance and enforcement officials. Police will be called for anyone refusing to leave the facility without showing proof of vaccination or refusing to wear a mask.
SMHA will continue to monitor the regulations set by the BC Public Health Officer, the Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association, ViaSport, and Brennan Park Recreation Centre. Please note these procedures may change as regulations continue to evolve.
If you have questions or concerns regarding these requirements, please contact your SMHA Manager or Division Director.
Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation.