The Treasurer is a voting Director-at-Large position and is responsible for maintaining financial control and reporting for SMHA.


  • Prepare annual budget (preliminary) at the end of each season to present at the AGM, using projected registration figures provided by Registrar.
  • Serve as signing officer on all SMHA bank accounts.
  • Attend SMHA Board of Directors meetings, or provide a written report informing Board of Directors of current status of operations verses budget.
  • Move funds between SMHA operating and investment accounts so as to maximize returns while maintaining a low-risk approach consistent with an association of this type.
  • Coordinate with Registrar to receive and deposit registration fees.
  • Coordinate with VP Rep to receive and deposit Rep fees.
  • Maintain regular payment of Association liabilities.
  • Provide updated budget following completion of final registration.
  • Coordinate ice rental agreements with Ice Scheduler.
  • Prepare and present Un-audited Financial Statement at the SMHA AGM.
  • Issue Referee fee cheques to Team Managers.
  • Ensure that funds have been sent to BC Hockey and PCAHA as necessary for the Hockey Canada insurance, BC Hockey fees, and PCAHA fees each year.
  • Apply for (if needed) SMHA annual Lottery License and help prepare for the Gaming Grant
  • Participate in annual Awards Celebration.